Founded in 2015, CentPourCent has grown into one of the most respected and reliable publicity firms in the music business, servicing both indie and major label artists, and delivering strategic digital media attention with every campaign we run.

In today’s disposable content culture, great music can’t always speak for itself — quality artists and songs get lost in the weekly avalanche of new music, and when a song does catch on, it’s harder than ever to convert listeners into committed fans.

Our job is to ensure artists get the attention they deserve by securing features with key blogs and digital press to showcase their image, personality, and thoughts about music, life and everything in between…so listeners become fans of the artist, not just fans of a song. Artists are compelling, powerful, 3-dimensional creatives who shouldn’t be reduced to a line of text in a playlist — let us help bring you to life!

Tell us more about your project and let’s chat about release plans. Send us an email to drop us a line.